Pretty kitty

When I go out roaming every one wants to pet me. They all say how pretty I am. Some of them like to pick me up and give me kisses. Some of them offer me really good food. Then they all let me go. No one ever wants to offer me a home. “I am to cute to be out on the streets”. That’s what they all say but no one is willing to even get to really no me. If they did they most likely would throw me back out any ways.

Ugh my body is sore and I feel so tired. It’s getting cold and I need to figure out my life. I am to old for this. I should have my life figured out by now. I should be a house cat. I shouldn’t be out here alone walking around.

I was out and about one day and I heard a small human say look mom a stray kitty. Wait what did she call me? A stay wtf that mean? Like homeless?? I heard the big human say don’t touch it could have disease. Wait what? Listen human it’s not my fault my owner left me! All the humans only want the little Kittys. Oddly so do all the damn “Tom cats “ want too.

What ever!!! I am am better then all those damn kittens. Yes I maybe lazy and like to sleep all the time and eat. I am just as cuddly as a kitten is. Well who am I fooling if you get to close I will hiss at you. Dear lord if ever try to grab I will bite you! Soooo maybe that’s why I am a “stray”

I better learn how to be cute and cuddly. Other wise I will be alone forever.

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